Katie Ingham created Kundalini Goddess in response to her own healing journey and divine feminine awakening. After several years of elevating both herself and others through the teaching of Kundalini Yoga, Katie began to fuse divine feminine belief systems, rituals and practises into her teaching.  Read on to find out how Kundalini Goddess can help you to heal, awaken and transform to your fullest potential.

Check out my Kundalini Goddess website. 

What is Kundalini Goddess

Kundalini Goddess connects you to the divine IN YOU. Women are made to glow, we’re made to love, we’re made to bring joy and creation to this world. Kundalini Goddess teaches you how to love and empower yourself so that you can stand proud, shine bright and inspire others to do the same.  You’ll create magic everywhere you go simply by being yourself!

What was your reason for creating Kundalini Goddess?

After teaching and practising Kundalini Yoga for several years, my own personal journey lead me to the work of divine feminine healing for myself. I have always been so hard on myself and I wanted to change the way that I mentally beat myself up. I was always doubting myself, thinking that I’m not good enough. I am a confident person but I was well aware of my tendencies to wobble and let fear and self-sabotage take over.

Sacred Feminine is your truest essence!

Awaken your wild women with Kundalini Goddess

Through healing and working with sacred feminine energy, I was able to grow in confidence and in my self-expression. It really opened up the creative passion within me. I realised that I loved to dance, paint and sing. Kundalini Goddess teaches women how to be the divine mother to themselves. You learn to love yourself unconditionally, like a mother would her child. You learn to navigate through life’s challenges with an intuitive trust in the greater plan. You choose to nurture yourself through self-sabotage and the endless external challenges that come your way. You create space to listen and feel, so that you can hear your inner voice and give your soul what it needs to heal, learn and grow.

“Through healing your shame, you can learn to express yourself unapologetically. This is me, take it or leave it”

What does Divine feminine energy mean? Why do we need to awaken this?

History has shown that women have long suffered at the hands of man. Patriarchy has stripped women of our confidence, self-worth, softness and intuitive development. We are half divine feminine energy and half divine masculine, but the dominant masculine energies and belief systems within our world are incredibly toxic, power-hungry, ego-lead and destructive in so many ways.

Divine feminine energy is receptive, intuitive, open and still, but as a women living in the modern world we are non-stop on the move, doing, doing, doing. Our lives are incredibly action lead and goal driven. We learn to become hard in order to survive, we need to play tough and in turn often suppress our feelings.  When I really started to learn about what divine feminine living was, I enrolled on a 28 days moon cycle course. Before learning about the lunar cycle and working with the moon, I had absolutely no idea about what it meant to be in my own cyclical flow. Lunar living is such a huge part of my life now and my teachings are always lunar sensitive.

Working with both the earth and moon allows you to really feed your divine feminine energy. The modern masculine powered world, does not teach women about their cyclical nature. We have forgotten to embrace mother-earth and as children we are not taught about how to cultivate this divine connection, so that we can learn from nature’s wisdom.

The rise of the goddess is upon us! It is happening and I believe that we will be victorious.

Women all over the world are being called to this work because harmony needs to be restored and balance need to be reclaimed.

Like many lightworkers, I truly believe that the healing and evolution of the planet is dependent on the divine feminine. Divine feminine energy is also needed in order for the divine masculine to be restored. I am committed to this work because I know that every women that comes to one of my classes, ceremonies or retreats will be positively impacted. I know that I help to empower women through Kundalini Goddess awakening and through the magic of women supporting women. When women come together in this way miracles can happen.

Kundalini Goddess Ceremony Hastings

How can somebody tell if their divine feminine needs healing?

I can’t stress enough that every person is different and there are so many layers to this. This list below is limited to both  things that have come up for me and for some of my female clients. Trust your gut here, and be open to feeling how each of these things lands with you. If you feel triggered, upset, saddened or relieved even, this could be a good sign that this work will help you.

  • You feel like you’ve lost your inner glow
  • You lack passion or lust for life
  • You feel ashamed of your body
  • You struggle to express yourself
  • You dream of pursuing and sharing creative passions but lack the confidence
  • You keep attract abusive, uncaring, unsupportive, and draining relationships and people into your life
  • You feel disconnect to yourself
  • You find it hard to trust others
  • Your mind is your enemy. You may suffer from anxiety, fear based thoughts, worry and stress.
  • You struggle in friendships with other women
  • You experience or have experienced in the past issues with your mother
  • You struggle to trust or even hear your intuitive knowing
  • Health issues relating to the womb, genitals or female reproductive system.
  • Lack confidence or hold secrets or shame in the sexual arena.
  • You have been scared by a past sexual encounter or experience.
  • You have been emotionally affected by having an abortion

Can you give examples if the types of Kundalini Goddess rituals and practises

I love using my creativity to come up with different rituals and practises for my ceremonies and goddess retreats. I always use positive affirmations in my ceremonies they really help to install a new mindset. At every ceremony i channel the energies. I create different practises that invoke the goddess and divine feminine archetypes that come through. For example, I recently used the archer pose to invoke ARTEMIS, the goddess of Focus. We made our dreams the target and put all of our focus on achieving our goals whilst holding archer pose. Manifesting rituals and practises are a huge part of the work I do. I currently have a beautifully sunflower growing strong which i planted at a the Spring Equinox Kundalini Goddess Ceremony. I got all the ladies to plant the seeds as a symbol of the dreams and changes that wanted to manifest.

Be Part of the Goddess Movement

I hold Kundalini Goddess ceremonies and retreats which allow you to awaken and connect with the goddess within, through kundalini activation and divine feminine healing. Kundalini activation elevates and expands your spirit. It allows you to heal your energy, past experiences and limiting beliefs by connecting you to your high self, strengthening your intuition and developing your self awareness.  The goddess, divine feminine energy calls you into a sacred self-care practise and new, softer, harmonious way of being. The Goddess energy calls us to open to self-love, it asks us to trust and to be patient with ourselves. It opens you to receive the wisdom from within, from above and below. Kundalini Goddess ceremonies and retreats will increase your self-esteem and help you to create a new mindset which is intuitive, nurturing, empowering, creative and joyful.

Awaken Your Goddess at my Kundalini Goddess Retreat in Glastonbury – March 2025!

BOOK NOW to secure your place.

Kundalini Goddess  at Wilderness Festival

This year I brought my Kundalini Goddess magic to Wilderness Festival. It was the most amazing experience. I hope to be there again in 2023!

Kundalini Goddess Ceremony at Wilderness Festival