Kundalini Goddess Retreats in Glastonbury

My Glastonbury Kundalini Goddess spiritual retreats offer women like you a nourishing space to step away from your busy live and many roles, to reconnect with yourself and simply BE. This is a divine feminine goddess awakening. A space for you to learn how to receive the wisdom from within, trust in intuitive guidance and align with spirit, so that you can discover your true self and have the confidence to follow your soul’s calling.

Women’s Retreats for Spiritual Growth, Healing & Transformation

Every women that attends has their own story to tell and are in different stages of their journey, but we are all united in our desire to become the best versions of ourselves – feel a greater sense of peace, fulfilment and joy! It is amazing how hearts join and how held and supported you will feel. It is my intention to create a loving community, steeped in the values of sisterhood. I am always deeply touched by the authenticity and synchronicities of how my retreat groups come together, women from all around the world, drawn together through a calling of the soul.

Can you hear the call? Join my Upcoming Retreat

I hold affordable retreats for women. They are non-residential which means that you are responsible for booking your own accommodation and meals. This means that you can tailor your trip to your own budget.

BOOK NOW to join my spring 2023 retreat.

My Glastonbury Goddess Women’s Retreats allow you to renew your sense of self, build strength and ignite the fire within you, so that you can heal, grow and BECOME!

“I hold a space for you to understand your shadows, release your fears and open your heart to really allow the goddess within you to shine.” 

I invite you to step into your soul power and say YES to your personal development and spiritual growth. I will inspire you to follow your greatest potential.

Reasons why women attend a Kundalini Goddess Glastonbury retreat

Whenever I open the space i always like to understand what it is that women wish to receive from the retreat weekend. Here are some of the things women have said:

  • “I’m stressed out and I feel disconnected to myself. I want to feel restored and able to cope”
  • “I think I’m having a spiritual awakening.  I’m looking to deepen my spiritual practise and connection.”
  • “I want to open my heart to receive and give more love. I want to attract more love in my life”
  • “I want to have the courage to be my true self. I want to be more confident and express myself without fear or embarrassment.
  • “I want to heal my divine feminine to feel more self-assured and happy with who I am”
  • “I want to enjoy the company of like-minded women and discover what Glastonbury has to offer”
  • “I feel stuck in my life. I want to feel more inspired, positive and relaxed.”

The Healing Land of Glastonbury

Glastonbury is the land of the goddess and is known as the heart chakra of the world. It is said to lie on a ley line which and is part of the supernatural network of energy portals connecting sacred sites across the world.  Glastonbury has deeply powerful divine healing capabilities, she is the divine mother, making it the perfect place to hold healing and transformative women’s retreats.  During the Glastonbury Retreat Weekend, we utilise and connect to her power and energy, whilst visiting the sacred sites of Avalon including the Tor, Chalice Well Gardens and White Springs. I hold a space for healing group meditations and activations. The weekend is organic and channelled to the requirements of the group and moment.

What to Expect at a Kundalini Goddess Glastonbury Women’s Retreat

As part of the retreat weekend I hold two Kundalini Goddess Ceremonies. the first ceremony is designed to allow you to recognise your blocks, cleanse your energy and begin to heal and release what stands in the way of your goddess power. The 2nd ceremony on day two create a space for you to ignite your fire, transform your energy and reclaim your power. You will learn how to manifest abundance in your life.

It is a mighty force when women come together to support, embrace, and inspire one another as we move through life’s cycles.  You will experience how you can create magic, peace and abundance in your life through the bond of sisterhood and divine feminine spirit and connection. Kundalini Goddess is a fusion of:

  • Kundalini yoga movement, breathwork and meditation
  • Shakti Activation
  • Mantra and Chanting
  • Intention Setting, Prayer and Affirmations
  • Divine Feminine & Masculine Healing
  • Sacred Sisterhood & Authentic Connection
  • Transformative Rituals
  • Channelled Guidance & Oracle/Tarot Readings

What is Kundalini Goddess?

Kundalini is Shakti, divine feminine energy. It is the energy of consciousness, when activated it brings heightened awareness to your emotional, habitual, spiritual and egoic self. Kundalini energy connects you to the divine in you. I work with the heart to open you to receive the frequency of unconditional love.

Kundalini Goddess connects you to the divine IN YOU. Women are made to glow, we’re made to love, we’re made to bring joy and creation to this world. Kundalini Goddess teaches you how to love and empower yourself so that you can stand proud, shine bright and inspire others to do the same.  You’ll create magic everywhere you go simply by being yourself! I work with the Kundalini energy to help you to awaken and understand yourself more deeply.

“Love is the food that will make your soul grow. By Loving deeply, you may become ONE with your beloved and ONE with all” Grand Master Chao Kok Sui

Upcoming Kundalini Goddess Retreats & Events