Full and New Moon Ceremonies

A Sacred Space for You to Nurture Your Inner World

Awaken your divine feminine essence

Activate your Intuition

Learn to Love and Nurture Yourself 

Receive Guidance and Wisdom

Align with Your Soul Purpose

Heal Your Heart & Reclaim Your Energy

Build Confidence and Creative Expression


Awaken The Goddess Within

I am currently holding all new and full moon ceremonies online via zoom. I create a sacred space for you to harness the power of the moon to connect deeply with yourself.  The divine feminine energy of the moon invites you to connect with her wisdom and go within. This is a nurturing, loving space where you can feel comfortable to confront yourself and understand your feelings and emotions on a much deeper level. We let go and manifest at each ceremony, using our power to create and birth life to new projects and goals.  Collectively we open our hearts to receive healing and guidance. You will learn to trust your intuition and inner voice and have faith that everything is exactly as it needs to be.

“The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.”

Upcoming Moon Ceremony Events

Rise and Vibe Yoga Class – St Leonards & Online

January 6 @ 8:00 am - April 28 @ 9:00 am

Glastonbury Goddess Retreats 2025

March 14 @ 7:00 pm - March 16 @ 4:00 pm

How Can a New and Full Moon Ceremony Help Me?

Each new and full moon opens a portal of opportunity for you to reflect and transform a particular aspect of your life. Before each full and new moon ceremony I will send you the guidance and self enquiry prompts which will help you to open and reflect so that you can harness the power of the moon to make the changes you want to see. The Moon orbits one full turn around the Earth in 28 days. And as it does, it passes through each of the Zodiac signs for 2.5 days. Which zodiac sign the moon is situated in communicates a story of how we can utilise the energy and align to empower ourselves and manifest what we desire.  The sign of the Moon on any given day broadcasts the subtle emotional undercurrent. I call upon the divine guidance of the moon and goddess archetypes, to channel a ceremony suited to what the time requires. By taking part in my full and new moon ceremonies you can flow with the tides of your own emotional current. The moon reflects the cycle of life, we are constantly moving through the flow of life, death and rebirth. For me, connecting with the moon helps to guide me through my own cycle of spiritual growth and transformation.

Full and New Moon Rituals and Practise

Moon Ritual Mantra

Awaken your goddess within! My new and full moon ceremonies are all about igniting your divine feminine, goddess super powers. Rituals are steeped in self-love and belief.  Are you seeking the answers to some big questions?

What is my soul purpose? How can I find inner peace? How can I find true love and fulfilment in my life?

New and Full Moon rituals help to develop your spiritual connection and affirm your practise. The definition of intuition is intent and imagination. Rituals for each ceremony may include:

  • Intention setting
  • Manifesting your Desires
  • Goddess Energy Alignment with Oracle Cards
  • Womb healing and Shakti Activation
  • Self Love Affirmations and Guided Practise
  • Prayers, Blessings and Gratitude Practise
  • Divine Guidance and Energy Healing from Archangel

What to Expect at my New and Full Moon Ceremony

Each ceremony comprises of some gentle yoga moves, breathwork, mantra, meditation and intention setting. I pull oracle cards to help steer you. I love to work with Goddess archetypes and Archangels!  My intention is to build a supportive and nurturing sacred women’s group, where you feel comfortable to sit with all your inhibitions and insecurities and be confident to show up exactly as you. You’ll leave feeling uplifted, empowered and extremely relaxed!

  • Moon ceremonies are 1.5 hours long
  • Wear comfortable clothes that you can move in
  • Set your intentions and release all that doesn’t serve you
  • Bring water, blanket and a pen/notepad

Investment: £15 per person

How to Manifest on the New and Full Moon

Are you ready to awaken your divine feminine energy and ignite your power to manifest your intentions for 2021?

At my moon ceremonies we use powerful manifesting meditations, mantra, breathwork and ritual to create magnetic manifesting energy. The universe is inside of you, join this sacred women’s moon ceremony to experience your limitless, divine self.

We are always manifesting. Each thought you have informs your energy, and your energy manifests into your experiences. Your thoughts and energy create your reality.” Gabriel Bernstein, Spirit Junkie.

We are energy, and all of our thoughts, emotions, actions and words, create a vibration.  The law of attraction will resonate at your vibration. To become a magnet manifestor you need to raise your energy and practise living and breathing with conscious awareness.

The new moon cycle is all about new beginnings. It’s the perfect time to plant your seeds of intention. My new moon ceremonies always focus on manifesting and creating the loving and nurturing energy to make your intentions a reality. Full moon ceremonies are about setting your intentions to let go of what you wish free yourself from. By attending both the new and full moon ceremonies you will enter into a powerful manifesting cycle and really see how your life can change.

How to manifest on the new and full moon

You Are The Creator! Ignite your goddess within and start to create the life you want to live.

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Moon Lady Testimonials

Thank you so much for such a beautiful ceremony.  It was exactly what I needed. Usually I’m very introvert and hate group sessions but I felt so comfortable amongst the other women. It felt like a safe space. I’m so grateful I found you.

Carrie, Happy Customer!

The energy was so strong. I literally feel like I’ve moved mountains! The moon ceremonies and your teachings have had such a positive impact on my life. I feel so empowered and I’m much more confident in myself. AND so much less afraid!

Charlotte, Happy Customer!